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please feel free to call: 845-544-8545
please feel free to call: 845-544-8545

Father Rendell Torres is a Roman Catholic priest of the Diocese of Albany, New York. The son of two Catholic Filipino architects, he was born in Los Angeles, California; studied cello, civil engineering and acoustics; worked as a tenure-track professor in architectural acoustics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; and co-authored a book on Worship Space Acoustics.
Fr. Rendell was ordained a priest at age 39 on June 12, 2010, the feast day of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Albany, New York. He is the pastor of St. Joseph the Worker Parish in Richfield Springs and West Winfield, New York, and has ministered as a priest at other diocesan churches in Whitehall, Fort Ann, Huletts Landing, and Gloversville. Fr. Rendell Torres is also the spiritual director for the Albany Diocese Division of the World Apostolate of Fatima USA.
Note: We accept major credit cards, though our preferred payment is by check:
Payable to St. Benedict Tours, 3 Forester Ave., Warwick, NY 10990